Board Performance
Measure | Performance Goal | Actual Performance | Percentage of Goal Met | Percentage to Goal |
Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit | 92.00 | 80.65 |
12.34% |
Employed 4th Quarter After Exit | 90.00 | 90.72 |
Goal Met |
Median Wages | 7,961.00 | 9,643.00 |
Goal Met |
Credential Attainment | 75.00 | 72.31 |
3.59% |
Measurable Skill Gains | 79.70 | 94.93 |
Goal Met |
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Dislocated Worker
Measure | Performance Goal | Actual Performance | Percentage of Goal Met | Percentage to Goal |
Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit | 82.00 | 0.00 |
100.00% |
Employed 4th Quarter After Exit | 86.80 | 66.67 |
23.19% |
Median Wages | 9,000.00 | 0.00 |
100.00% |
Credential Attainment | 83.80 | 100.00 |
Goal Met |
Measurable Skill Gains | 75.00 | 66.67 |
11.11% |
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Measure | Performance Goal | Actual Performance | Percentage of Goal Met | Percentage to Goal |
Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit | 80.60 | 67.50 |
16.25% |
Employed 4th Quarter After Exit | 78.60 | 75.79 |
3.58% |
Median Wages | 3,737.00 | 4,016.50 |
Goal Met |
Credential Attainment | 91.20 | 97.83 |
Goal Met |
Measurable Skill Gains | 89.20 | 93.59 |
Goal Met |
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Measure | Performance Goal | Actual Performance | Percentage of Goal Met | Percentage to Goal |
Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit | 69.40 | 67.67 |
2.50% |
Employed 4th Quarter After Exit | 68.10 | 68.67 |
Goal Met |
Median Wages | 5,122.00 | 6,432.00 |
Goal Met |
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