Frequently Asked Questions
Explore the Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative's Frequently Asked Questions for answers to questions about the initiative and its metrics and methodology. The first section below offers an overview, with the next two sections exploring the Metrics and Methodology.
- Employment Rate 1st Quarter After Exit: The percentage of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and Wagner-Peyser participants* who exited the system and had certified wages the first quarter after exit.
- Participant Training Rate: The percentage of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act participants* who received training services.
- Business Penetration: The number of business establishments provided a staff-assisted, high-value service by a local workforce development board.
More information, including the numerator and denominator for each metric, is available on the Metrics page of this website.
* Excludes participants served through time-limited special initiative grants that do not include local formula funds (e.g., apprenticeship grants).To view local workforce development board performance on the Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative, you must first log in to this site. Once logged in, a dropdown list with Florida's 24 local boards will appear in the website's navigation menu at the top of the page. Select a local board from the dropdown to view that board's performance on the Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative metrics.
A Dashboard page is also accessible from the navigation menu once logged in to the site with year-over-year performance comparisons by local board.
- Preliminary data supporting the three Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative metrics is updated as soon as it is available.
- Final quarterly data for the training and business metrics is updated after the end of the month following the end of each quarter. Local workforce development boards have a full month after each quarter's end to finalize their data in Employ Florida.
- Final quarterly wage data for the employment metric is updated as soon as the certified wages are received from the Florida Department of Revenue – which is typically about five months after the first quarter after exit (or eight months from when the wages are earned).
Below is the schedule for the certified wage data for fiscal year 2021-2022 performance:
Performance Period / Participant Exit Dates | 1st Quarter After Exit / Wages Earned | Wage Data Updated Online |
July 1 – Sept. 30, 2021 | Oct. 1 – Dec. 31, 2021 | May 2022 |
Oct. 1 – Dec. 31, 2021 | Jan. 1 – March 31, 2022 | August 2022 |
Jan. 1 – March 31, 2022 | April 1 – June 30, 2022 | November 2022 |
April 1 – June 30, 2022 | July 1 – Sept. 30, 2022 | February 2023 |
The numerator and denominator for each Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative metric is as follows:
Employment Rate 1st Quarter After Exit
Numerator: Participants* who exited during the period being measured and had certified wages, reported by the Department of Revenue, in the first quarter after exit.
Denominator: Participants* who exited during the period being measured.
Participant Training Rate
Numerator: Participants* who are in training, or have completed training, during the period being measured.
Denominator: Participants* served during the period being measured.
Business Penetration
Numerator: The number of business establishments that were provided a staff-assisted, high-value service by the local workforce development board during the period being measured.
Denominator: N/A (this metric is not a rate)
*Excludes participants served through time-limited special initiative grants that do not include local formula funds (e.g., apprenticeship grants).
Participants who complete training during a quarter will not be counted in the numerator the following quarter, unless they are receiving additional training. Participants will be counted in the denominator of subsequent quarters if they continue to receive services, other than training, in those quarters.
If participants are no longer receiving services, they should be exited from the Employ Florida system per the exit definition described in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, available in Attachment I of the Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 10-16, Change 1.
The methodology for the Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative is as follows:
Based on thorough reviews and analyses of historical local workforce development board performance data, the improvement target for each quarterly metric was set at 10% compared to the baseline metric performance during the same quarter in the previous year.
As data becomes available, the Employment Rate, Training Rate and Business Penetration for the quarter being measured is calculated using the metric's numerator and denominator, as applicable.
Additional credit is added to the Employment Rate, Training Rate and Business Penetration.
The performance of local workforce development boards is measured by comparing the quarterly metric including additional credit (e.g., Employment Rate + Additional Credit) to baseline performance (the metric without additional credit from the same quarter in the previous year).
Visit the Methodology section of this website for more details.
The improvement target for each metric within the Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative was set following thorough reviews and analyses of historical and current performance data. As data became available, the Employment Rate, Training Rate and Business Penetration for each quarter was calculated using the metric's numerator and denominator, as applicable. These calculations became the baseline for target setting in the same quarter for the following year.
Performance targets are updated on the website as data becomes available following the completion of each quarter.
Local workforce development boards receive .20 (or one-fifth of a point) in additional credit in the employment and training metrics for each barrier to employment identified in Employ Florida for the participants in the numerator. Individuals with more than one barrier to employment count multiple times.
Local workforce development boards also receive .30 (or approximately one-third of a point) for each staff-assisted, high-value service provided to business establishments in up to five board-selected industry sectors identified in their local Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act plan. Industries with more than one NAICS code (e.g., manufacturing, retail trade, and transportation and warehousing) count as one industry sector for the purpose of additional credit. Employ Florida maintains an updated list of NAICS codes.