
The three key metrics within the Continuous Improvement Performance Initiative that are focused on the core mission of the CareerSource Florida network.

Employment Rate 1st Quarter After Exit

The Employment Rate 1st Quarter After Exit metric measures the percentage of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and Wagner-Peyser participants* who exited the system and had certified wages the first quarter after exit.

  • Numerator: Participants* who exited during the period being measured and had certified wages, reported by the Department of Revenue, in the first quarter after exit.

  • Denominator: Participants* who exited during the period being measured.

  • Additional Credit: Local workforce development boards receive .20 (or one-fifth of a point) in additional credit for each barrier to employment identified in Employ Florida for the participants in the numerator. For individuals with multiple barriers, each barrier counts toward additional credit.

Participant Training Rate

The Participant Training Rate metric measures the percentage of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act participants* who received training services.

  • Numerator: Participants* who are in training, or have completed training, during the period being measured.

  • Denominator: Participants* served during the period being measured.

  • Additional Credit: Local workforce development boards receive .20 (or one-fifth of a point) in additional credit for each barrier to employment identified in Employ Florida for the participants in the numerator. For individuals with multiple barriers, each barrier counts toward additional credit.

Business Penetration

The Business Penetration metric measures the number of business establishments provided a staff-assisted, high-value service by a local workforce development board.

  • Count: The number of business establishments that were provided a staff-assisted, high-value service by the local workforce development board during the period being measured.

  • Additional Credit: Local workforce development boards receive .30 (or approximately one-third of a point) for each staff-assisted, high-value service provided to business establishments in up to five board-selected, industry sectors from their current WIOA plan.

* Excludes participants served through time-limited special initiative grants that do not include local formula funds (e.g., apprenticeship grants).